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Frequently asked questions

The event Christmas market Bad Hindelang

  • Where does the Christmas market take place?
    You find the Christmas market in the village center of Bad Hindelang, in the whole Marktstraße, Poststraße as well as around the Alte Schloss (old castle), parish, city event hall and Bauernmarkt (farmer market).
  • When is the Christ Child at the market?
    The Christ Child visits the Christmas market daily from 4.30 p.m. and can be found at the angels‘ workshop and at the heavenly post office.
    A complete overview can be found on the menu point "Daily Programme"


  • Why does the Christmas market cost an entrance fee?
    The Bad Hindelang Christmas market is no typical stand market, but a unique event Christmas market.
  • What does the entrance of „Erlebnis-Weihnachtsmarkt“ include?
    All shuttle and line buses around Bad Hinelang to Sonthofen, Hinterstein, Oberjoch and Wertach
    – Car parks free of charge
    – All open-air concerts in front of the town hall, at the Türmchenmarkt and Holzscheitendorf
    – Crib & Christmas tree exhibition
    – Children event huts such as Villa Villekulla, candle house, heavenly workshop and heavenly post office
    – Events on the Children’s Day: carousel, baking with Pippi, children forging, children theater, Broadway Joe
    – The entrance on Fridays and Sundays include the great Christmas parade with 150 figures from the fairy tale – and legend world.
  • What does the entrance cost?
    You can find the current entrance prices here
  • Where do you get the entrance tickets for the Christmas market?
    You receive daily entrance tickets here online or directly at the ticket sales booth at the entrances of the Christmas market.
    Wochenend-Tickets & VIP-Tickets sind ebenfalls hier online buchbar oder erhältlich im Vorverkauf bei der Gästeinformation Bad Hindelang, Raiffeisenbank Kempten-Oberallgäu eG in Bad Hindelang.
  • If I possess „Silent Night“ tickets, or tickets for further special events do I still have to pay the entrance fee for the Christmas market?
    Mit einer Veranstaltungskarte erhalten Sie Donnerstags einen freien und am Wochenende einen rabattierten Eintritt zum Erlebnis-Weihnachtsmarkt. Mehr Infos zum Kombiticket erfahren Sie beim Erwerb Ihrer Stille Nacht Karten.
  • Are there any discounts for big groups/buses?
    Bus drivers and tour guides are free.
  • Is the entrance for disabled people free?
    Yes, from an 80% disablity and showing a disability card. Please show it at the cashpoint , so that our staff can allow you the entrance to the market without problem.
  • Is the entrance free for children?
    Children under 12 are admitted free of charge.

Advance tickets sale

  • When does the advance selling of tickets for the alpine Christmas opera „Silent night“ start?
    Tickets for the event „Silent Night“ are available from now on. Book here your tickets.
  • Where can I get the tickets for the alpine Christmas opera "Silent Night"?
    Tickets for the event „Silent Night“ are available from now on. Book here your tickets.
    You can obtain presold tickets at the tourist information Bad Hindelang, Unterer Buigenweg 2, 87541 Bad Hindelang, Tel. 08324 892-511, info@badhindelang.de

Silent Night

Infohotline: +49 8324 / 5139-993
Tickethotline: +49 8324 / 892-511

If you are lucky you can get tickets on short notice at the cash box of the touristinformation Bad Hindelang, Unterer Buigenweg 2, 87541 Bad Hindelang

Car parks

  • Where can you park?
    Due to limited parking possibilites, we recommend that you use preferentially public transport. Furthermore all car parkings are well signposted. Depending on the weather also other car parks can be indicated. Shuttle buses free of charge drive from the car parks to the Christmas market as needed.
  • How far is the footpath to/from the car park?
    The footpath is about 10-15 walking minutes from the car park to the Christmas market and is also illuminated at night.
  • Does the shuttle bus also drive to Sonthofen and the surrounding area?
    During the time of the „Erlebnis-Weihnachtsmarkt“ you can use all line and shuttle buses around Bad Hindelang to Sonthofen, Hinterstein, Oberjoch and Wertach free of charge.
  • Where can buses park?
    Buses can let people on or off at designated and signposted areas at the Bad Hindelang bus station. From there the Christmas market can be reached within easy walking distance. All buses are then accompanied by the firebrigade Hindelang to the bus park.

Accomodation/restaurants/programmes outside the market

  • Who should I contact if I look for accomodation?
    You can find accomodation either on the menu option Host or by phone via the tourist information Bad Hindelang, phone number: +49 8324 8920
  • Which restaurants are open on Christmas market days in Bad Hindelang and the surrounding area?
    The current list can be requested in each case in the Tourist Information, Tel. 08324 8920
  • Which fringe programmes can be organised outside the Christmas market?
    The tourist information Bad Hindelang is looking forward to preparing information material for your programme, phone number: +49 8324 8920


  • Where do I find public toilets, especially toilets for disabled people?
    Toilets (also for disabled people) can be found at the bus station and the city event hall. Further public toilets are located near the parish (village center).
    A further toilet-wagon can be found at the bus station.

Lost property office

  • Who should I contact if I lose or if I find something?
    Central radio station, first floor of the town hall, phone +49 (0) 8324 892241

First aid

  • Where is my contact point when I need „First aid“?
    – Rescue control center Kempten, emergency call 112
    – Patient transport, phone number +49 831 19222
    – Central radio station, first floor of the town hall
    - Exhibitor